Change Your Life with Dental Implants

dental implants doylestownDo you have missing teeth? Maybe you wear dentures because of the absent natural teeth. Perhaps you know you need dentures but are dragging your feet about getting them. Dentures have gotten a bad reputation over the years, but the modern version of this staple isn’t so bad. There is, however, another restorative dentistry solution that is far more effective and requires less daily upkeep: dental implants.

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Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

9 Ways Your Teeth Are Ruining Your Love Life

smile makeover find lovePerhaps you’re single and tired of it. Maybe you’re newly divorced and ready to play the field again. You might be dating online or trying out a meet-up app. Wherever you stand when it comes to romantic relationships, if you aren’t having any success, it’s time to look at yourself and figure out what might be getting in the way. A survey found that men and women alike rate teeth as the number one characteristic when judging a potential date. Is your smile helping or hurting your chances at finding love?

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Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

Cosmetic Dentistry: The Secret to Anti-Aging

cosmetic dentistry anti-agingThere are so many ways to attempt to combat aging. Dieting. Working out. New clothes. Fresh hair color. And, of course, there are the more-invasive methods to hide wrinkles and pounds – surgery and injections. But it’s hard to keep up with lifestyle resolutions, and face lifts and fillers only last for so long and the results can be unnatural. The fastest and most effective way to alter your appearance is with cosmetic dentistry. The right procedures can take years off your real age and make you look younger, happier, healthier, wealthier, and smarter.

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Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

Restore Your Aging Teeth with a Smile Makeover

Aging smileOur teeth work hard every day, biting and chewing our food and helping us speak. But aging is unavoidable, and no matter how well you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and visiting your dentist twice a year for exams and cleanings, your teeth are still susceptible to normal wear and tear. If you don’t want your mouth to reveal your age, then it’s time to tend to what’s breaking down inside your mouth. Don’t be ashamed of an aging smile – do something about it. Both restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry options can give you a transformational smile makeover.

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Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914