Single? Bad Teeth Can Hurt Your Love Life

bad teethCan you imagine spending years or even a lifetime hiding your smile or avoiding exciting and fulfilling social opportunities due to a self-perceived unattractive smile? If you’re like one-quarter of Americans, you likely live with that reality. Over 80% of people insist they look ugly in pictures, and almost 50% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have untagged themselves on social media. And according to national studies, over 22% of Americans who dislike their smile for whatever reason believe dental corrections would significantly improve their love life. Therefore, in modern beauty standards, bad teeth are a dating turnoff. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist can help you correct the biggest culprits blocking your way to happily ever after.

Eliminate Halitosis
There’s little worse in a potential romantic partner than discovering they have bad breath, especially when it’s pungent. Not only is it a total turnoff, but it also eludes to the fact that the person has poor hygiene. That’s not always the case as up to 90% of halitosis is due to extending dental concerns. Mints and gum often cover up temporary bad breath. But if proper daily oral health care including brushing, flossing, rinsing, and eating correctly, isn’t enough to combat your bad breath, chances are the halitosis is simply a symptom of a more serious issue.

Repair Permanent Stains or Discolored Teeth
Stains and tooth discoloration can occur for a number of reasons. Coffee, certain foods, vices like smoking, medications, and even improper or inconsistent oral health care habits can darken or discolor your enamel. The good news is that tooth discoloration is one of the easiest and most effective solutions to improving your smile. An hour with your Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist can be enough to whiten and brighten your smile several shades. And if your stains are intrinsic (originate from within the teeth), porcelain veneers can be the perfect solution.

Fix Those Short, Uneven Teeth
Short and uneven teeth can be the result of several issues. But most of the time they’re either due to excessive gum tissue or bruxism. Also known as teeth grinding, bruxism is a condition often brought on by stress. But it can lead to serious consequences including misshapen teeth, jaw displacement, and TMJ disorder. Gum contouring or veneers can quickly correct short or misshapen teeth. And if habitual grinding is an issue, a simple dentist-approved mouthguard can help reverse the habit prior to your smile corrections.

Eliminate Decay and Cavities
Tooth decay is easily avoided with proper oral health habits. But regardless of how determined to maintain a perfect record, human error often sets in resulting in decay and cavities. Left untreated, decay will quickly rot your teeth leaving you with a mouthful of painful infections or even loose, broken, and deteriorating chompers. Bacteria and untreated cavities can also lead to gum disease which is linked to multiple serious diseases. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist can easily repair and reverse decay and many of the associated health risks. And the gratitude you’ll feel will undoubtedly improve your confidence and reflect in a recharged love life in no time. Give Manhattan Cosmetic Dentist a call when you’re ready to change your life.

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Chalfont, PA 18914