Crooked Teeth? Get the Perfect Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

cosmetic dentistry west bloomfieldYou certainly don’t need to be born with perfect teeth to have a beautiful smile. But obviously crooked teeth can create serious obstacles and lead to chronic confidence issues throughout life. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), dental disorders such as decay, tooth loss, and malocclusion (crooked teeth) can lead to serious confidence and self-esteem issues. So you’re definitely not alone if you’re depressed or withdrawn due to crooked or unattractive chompers. Fortunately, your West Bloomfield Cosmetic Dentist has some effective cosmetic dentistry solutions to get the perfect smile once and for all.

Get the Royal Treatment with Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are also known as caps. These tooth-colored devices fit right on top of existing teeth to correct a number of issues and conceal damaged or unattractive teeth. Dental crowns can be especially helpful solutions for cracked, chipped, decayed, badly stained, and crooked teeth. In most cases, a dental crown can be completed within just two office visits. If multiple crowns are needed, a bridge may be required and that also takes a couple of visits to complete. When maintained correctly, your dental crown can last 15 years or even longer without any issues.

Invest in Your Future with Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can provide a quick and easy fix for several dental issues at once. As a cosmetic dentistry procedure, they’re meant to conceal issues such as worn enamel and teeth, chips, cracks, fractures, gaps, minor-to-moderate stains or discoloration, and uneven or crooked teeth. Porcelain veneers are customized porcelain-resin shells about the width of a contact lens. The treatment is minimally invasive and irreversible because a very small amount of enamel usually needs to be removed from the existing teeth to affix the shells. They’re painless, however, and the entire treatment is usually completed within a few office visits. This solution is a personal investment that can give you the smile of your dreams for years to come. In fact, when maintained correctly, porcelain veneers can last 15 years or longer without any issues.

Stay in the Spotlight with Invisalign

Traditional metal braces may be a rite of passage for adolescents, but they can be an issue for adults. Approximately 25% of orthodontic patients are adults. And while 1 million patients over 18 wear braces, over 8 million people have instead opted for Invisalign. While braces work wonders for permanently correcting even severely crooked teeth, they can hinder life for those who have heavy social, romantic, or professional commitments. This can be especially true for those who work in the public eye or require a consistent professional appearance while working with business clients. Invisalign is the clear solution that doesn’t interfere with social or professional images and allows the patient to be the only one who knows they’re even wearing the aligners.

Invisalign also offers far more freedom than traditional braces. The aligners are meant to be worn up to 22 hours daily and removed for eating, drinking, and brushing purposes only. But that means food limitations aren’t an issue, and neither is the potential embarrassment of having broken wires or food sticking out of your braces while in an important business meeting. Maintenance is also a breeze. Simply remove the aligners, brush and floss as normal and also brush and rinse the aligners before replacing them in your mouth. Of course, you’ll need to discuss the best options for your needs with your West Bloomfield Cosmetic Dentist. Give us a call today to see how to get the perfect smile with cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

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3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914