End of Year Dental Benefits: Use Them Before You Lose Them

upgrade your smileAccording to the national industry-wide reports, over two-thirds of Americans have some form of private dental coverage. While the extent of those benefits is determined by the insurance program itself, most plans cover at least basic services such as necessary cleanings, checkups, sealants, and crown or bridgework. Of course, some plans cover quite a bit more than the basics and yet far too many people opt to lose them altogether. If you’ve worked for the coverage or paid into the plan, you’ll need to use the benefits and upgrade your smile before the end of the year because most dental benefits don’t roll over. But just how can you still get the most out of your plan?

Regular Checkups and Cleanings
Home dental hygiene is essential to keeping your mouth healthy, but it’s often just not enough to avoid trouble down the road. The American Dental Association recommends six-month checkups to ensure problems are caught before they spiral out of control, and that’s what most dental plans cover. In fact, yours may cover the entire family or household. A general cleaning is often included which may significantly reduce stains and help avoid needing an additional professional whitening treatment. But beyond the aesthetic appeal why are regular checkups so important?

Over half of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease, and that shoots to over 70% for seniors over the age of 65. And yet, most people have no clue that they have it until the signs such as bleeding or infected gums, constant foul breath, and loose teeth make it unbearably clear that something’s wrong. The disease progresses through three stages with gingivitis being the earliest and most easily treated. However, if left untreated, tooth loss can occur. In the later stages, the bacteria from gum disease enters the bloodstream and can lead to potentially fatal diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even certain types of cancer. Regular checkups and cleaning can help ensure gingivitis, dental caries, and other simple problems are caught and corrected before they take become problematic.

Big Repairs or Extensive Treatments
competent dentistIt would make sense to wait a few years to accumulate benefits and start big treatment options if dental benefits rolled over and continued building from year to year. But that’s not the case. Plans usually expire on December 31 and reset on January 1. So any remaining unused benefits at the end of the year are absorbed into the void. If you’ve paid your deductible and haven’t hit the maximum benefit payout within your plan, the end of the year can be the perfect time to begin major repairs or extensive treatments. Composite fillings, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, implants, and even a full mouth reconstruction may not be completely covered via your plan, but part of the necessary treatments may be covered. And a competent dentist can figure out a way to incorporate the end of your current plan with the reset amount of your upcoming year’s plan to help save you even more. Contact your Moorestown dentist to discuss your options and what can be done to upgrade your smile with the help of your remaining dental benefits.


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3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914