Cosmetic Dentistry: The Secret to Anti-Aging

cosmetic dentistry anti-agingThere are so many ways to attempt to combat aging. Dieting. Working out. New clothes. Fresh hair color. And, of course, there are the more-invasive methods to hide wrinkles and pounds – surgery and injections. But it’s hard to keep up with lifestyle resolutions, and face lifts and fillers only last for so long and the results can be unnatural. The fastest and most effective way to alter your appearance is with cosmetic dentistry. The right procedures can take years off your real age and make you look younger, happier, healthier, wealthier, and smarter.

If your teeth are stained…

Brown, yellow, or dark teeth will age you immeasurably. Whether the stains were earned through a coffee or cola habit, a smoking addiction, or as a side effect of a medication or illness, surface tooth stains can be combatted with a powerful in-office professional teeth whitening treatment. Whiter teeth refresh your face and give you a white smile that you’ll want to show off – and the more you smile, the happier and younger you will look.

If your teeth are broken…

Your teeth work hard every day to help you eat and speak. Normal wear and tear, no matter how diligent your preventive care, can simply find you with teeth that break easily, especially if you have the tendency to use your teeth as a tool for opening bags or bottles. You may also have DNA that makes your teeth prone to breakage. A mouthful of broken teeth is not only irritating, it’s unsightly, and one broken tooth can easily lead to more broken teeth. Porcelain tooth crowns repair the damage by fitting over the top of your broken teeth, restoring an even and uniform smile, and making you feel confident about the condition of your smile.

If your lips are thinning…

One of the most detested side effects of aging is thinning lips, a condition that can begin occurring as early as a person’s 20s. Because our lips are made of soft tissue, which is supported by collagen, our body’s lower production of collagen as we age means lips can get thinner over time. Injectables might seem like the only solution to this problem, but there is another magic formula: porcelain veneers. A versatile cosmetic dentistry solution, veneers not only lengthen, straighten, whiten, and perfect your smile, the way the contact-lens-thin porcelain sits on your teeth slightly bumps your lips out. This effect can restore a bit of plumpness to your lips, minimize fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, and make you want to smile and smile.

If your cheeks are sagging…

Low bone density is another common side effect of aging and this problem in particular can cause your face to appear sunken. Certainly plenty of people want their face to look thin, but they don’t want to sport a hollow appearance. Low bone density can contribute to thin lips, causing them to roll inward, and missing teeth also lead to sagging cheeks, aging you. Replacing those missing teeth is essential to preserving the integrity of your jawbone – dental implants mimic the missing tooth root and stimulate your jaw so that more teeth are not lost and so that your face maintains its shape. Plus, restoring missing teeth automatically makes you look younger – holes in your smile age you instantly.

Your smile is the focal point of your face. It is memorable for its condition, whether in good shape or in need of repairs. Don’t allow yourself to look older than you actually are because of correctable conditions. Make an appointment with Dr. Sindu Gundabathula in Doylestown to discuss your smile makeover options.

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

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3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914