Restore Your Aging Teeth with a Smile Makeover

Aging smileOur teeth work hard every day, biting and chewing our food and helping us speak. But aging is unavoidable, and no matter how well you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and visiting your dentist twice a year for exams and cleanings, your teeth are still susceptible to normal wear and tear. If you don’t want your mouth to reveal your age, then it’s time to tend to what’s breaking down inside your mouth. Don’t be ashamed of an aging smile – do something about it. Both restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry options can give you a transformational smile makeover.

Address Tooth Stains

Tooth stains can develop for a variety of reasons. A love of coffee, dark sodas, or red wine can darken your teeth over time. Certain foods can also leave stains behind. A nicotine addiction can stain your teeth, as well as the use of certain medications and even particular illnesses.

If surface stains have been rules out, don’t forget the pesky little element of aging. As we get older, our teeth are more likely to be dark because tooth enamel begins to thin. At the same time, the middle layer of your teeth, the dentin, begins to get thicker and darker. This combination can make your teeth look dark.

Depending on your situation, a professional teeth whitening treatment can transform your smile – often in as little as an hour. But if the stains in your teeth are deep inside, it’s time to determine the best way to cloak the discoloration. Often, porcelain veneers are the first and best course of action. Veneers not only eliminate unsightly stains on your teeth, they give you a straight smile and hide cracks or chips – also common side effects of aging – by creating teeth that are the right shape, length, and color to complement your appearance. (Bonus: Porcelain veneers bump out your teeth a little bit, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth. Who doesn’t love a little cosmetic enhancement as a side effect of dentistry?)

Eliminate Dark Fillings

People of a certain age may have amalgam fillings. Silver in color, these fillings were once the most common option for repair cavities. But amalgam fillings can eventually turn your teeth a darker color and, over time, the fillings can expand and crack your teeth. Not to mention the most important fact: Silver fillings are laced with the toxic element of mercury. Every time you bite down and your teeth rub together or rub against food, you’re releasing mercury into your system. Some might argue that it’s a trace amount, barely detectable but, over time, mercury will build up in your body – and that is not healthy for your overall health and well-being.

You can have your amalgam fillings replaced with mercury-free porcelain tooth fillings, which look like your natural teeth and don’t scream, “I had a tooth filled!” Plus, composite fillings like this are safe and non-toxic. Your smile will be renewed when your next filling is a mercury-free one, and your health will be in a much better place, which is something that every aging person can appreciate.

Get a Fully Functioning Set of Teeth

How your teeth look is, of course, a major concern, but how they function is even more important. For some older adults, the limited functionality that they experience with their teeth is the biggest frustration. As you grow older, your teeth may become loose – this isn’t necessarily a normal sign of aging, but it can be a symptom of gum disease. Once you reach age 65, there is a 70 percent chance that you will develop some sort of periodontal disease. Gum disease risk is, unfortunately, higher for older adults because of the other problems that often occur with age – age-related illness like cancer or hormonal changes like menopause can come with the need to take certain medications which can cause dry mouth, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and allowing cavities and gum disease to settle in. If you experience bleeding, swollen, or inflamed gums, see your dentist immediately – don’t allow any toothache or odd symptom to continue on without being addressed.

If your teeth aren’t functioning properly because they’re cracking and breaking and simply aging, then it’s time to discuss restorative dentistry treatments with your dentist that will allow you to eat and speak and live as you always have – without worrying that your teeth are compromised or will come out at any moment. Dental implants and porcelain tooth crowns and bridges are often solutions in such situations because they recreate a solid set of functioning, natural-looking teeth.

If you have questions about your aging smile, or if you’re experiencing broken-down cosmetic dentistry treatments from years ago, it’s time to make an appointment with Dr. Sindu Gundabathula in Doylestown to discuss your smile makeover options.

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3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914