3 Reasons to Be Cautious About Do-It-Yourself Teeth Whitening

DIY teeth whiteningTeeth whitening is an extraordinary, non-invasive dental innovation that has made it possible to drastically improve the appearance of your smile in a short amount of time. Because there are so many teeth whitening products sold over the counter, many people think it’s possible to get amazing results on their own. In some cases, you can get whiter, better-looking teeth. But there are some instances when people are unsuccessful in achieving the whitening results they envisioned themselves having.  

1. Don’t Expect Consistency

While television commercials and magazine ads make it look like over-the-counter whitening products are your ticket to a completely white smile, the results of your whitening efforts can vary. Whitening products that you administer yourself are not always consistent, especially if you’re attempting to whiten alongside teeth that have veneers, crowns, bonding, or tooth-colored restorations, none of which will allow for bleaching.

Also, the bleaching agents in store-bought whitening treatments are not as powerful as a professional teeth whitening treatments or as long-lasting. There are, however, restrictions about how often you should use a whitening treatment, which brings us to our next point…

2. You Could Get Addicted to Whitening Treatments

For certain individuals, DIY whitening treatments can be immediately successful. Their teeth are whiter and look so amazing that they just want their teeth to look better and better – so there is a major temptation to use the whitening treatments far more often than is recommended. The problem, however, is that no matter how stunning that first transformation may be, the changes that follow could be far less desirable. Abuse of whitening treatments can damage your teeth, sometimes making them look transparent or even as though they have a blue tint. Your gums are in danger as well.

3. You May Have Sensitivity to Over-the-Counter Whitening Treatments

Chances are, you won’t know until you try over-the-counter whitening treatments whether or not your mouth can handle the ingredients. Both gums and teeth are at risk of developing a sensitivity to the whitening treatments, particularly for people who are overzealous about their whitening efforts.

By opting for a professional in-office teeth whitening treatment, patients receive the most powerful and effective bleaching agents available, but in a safe and controlled environment. Your dentist will use a mouth guard as well as a desensitizing treatment to ensure that any discomfort you may experience as a result of the whitening is minimized or eliminated completely.

It’s also important for your dentist to see whether, even with the proper precautions, you are still sensitive to the bleaching agents. Reaction to the teeth whitening treatment could be the sign of something more sinister going on in your mouth, such as an undetected cavity or even the beginning of gum disease, and the earlier your dentist knows about either of these issues, the better off your dental health will be because you can get treatment immediately.

Choose the Right Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment

There are different types of tooth stains that will impact how well a whitening treatment is able to work. Extrinsic stains will be the easiest stains to remove – these are surface stains caused mostly by the foods and drinks you consume. Intrinsic tooth stains are deep in the tooth, and typically need to be cloaked with other cosmetic dentistry treatments, like porcelain veneers. When stains are intrinsic, or when it’s simply in your DNA to have slightly yellowed teeth, a more involved treatment is necessary to revamp your smile.

Only your dentist can tell you for certain what type of smile makeover is appropriate for the condition of your teeth. But remember, even if your teeth are perfectly aligned, even if they’re slightly gapped or uneven, you could still be a great candidate for teeth whitening. Your smile will be dramatically improved and you’ll look healthier and happier with a brighter smile. Make an appointment with Dr. Sindu Gundabathula in Doylestown to discuss your smile makeover options.

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