5 Tips for a Healthier Mouth in the New Year

preventive dental careAs another holiday season approaches the end, more and more people look to the future. The new year provides a perfect opportunity to make new goals and improve your station along the way. But while a solid 40% of Americans make resolutions based on self-improvement goals, only 8% actually reach any of their goals. The reason for this is often due to the loftiness of those goals. But many resolutions can be achieved and quite a few begin right in the mouth. Improved preventative dental care can go a long way to reaching other goals in life. But what are some major tips for a healthier mouth in the New Year?

Improve Your Diet
The end of the year festivities and social events offer extra access to loads of dental dangers. Sweet treats, soft bread, sticky syrups, and even wine and spirits can cause extra acid in the mouth and create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and decay. Hard veggies, juicy fruits, whole grains, and dairy products aren’t just good for the body. They’re also great for the teeth. So enjoy the occasional treat, but focus on the good stuff.

Get Flossing
Proper home oral health care involves more than simply brushing the teeth twice a day and replacing your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. While brushing is essential, it’s not enough to keep plaque and decay at bay for most people. And yet, the majority of Americans either floss occasionally or forget altogether. In fact, according to a nationwide survey, only 30% of Americans admit to flossing daily while 32% claim they never floss. But the good news is that even if you’re among the latter group, New Years can be a great time to change that.

Kick the Vices to the Curb
Seasonal activity increases the desire and availability to consume alcohol, and that can lead to extra acid in the mouth as well as other bodily and safety concerns. But extra holiday stress can also increase your chances of lighting up a cigarette. But cigarette smoking is the top preventable cause of death in the U.S. as it’s linked to 20% of all deaths annually. Smoking can also severely stain enamel, cause decay to form, and increase the risks of gum disease. So kick the nasty habit to the curb.

See Your Dentist
Visiting the dentist isn’t one of the biggest joys in life for most people, but it is an essential part of overall health maintenance and preventative dental care. Half of all Americans have some form of gum disease and over 70% of seniors over 65 have periodontal disease. And yet, one-third of Americans avoid going to the dentist at all. Visiting your dentist twice a year can help avoid unnecessary pain and financial troubles as he or she can quickly and easily find and reverse potential problems before they become literal pains.

Start Smiling
The holidays are sad times for many people and as such, far too many shy away from cameras and even loved ones. But there’s real science involved in smiling. When you smile fully and with intention, the brain can be tricked into believing you’re happy. But even a fake it ‘til you make it policy may require some extra dental treatment. Contact your Johns Creek cosmetic dentist to discover the best options to regain your smile.

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Chalfont, PA 18914