4 Tips to Prevent Gum Disease

gum disease treatment red bankMany bodily diseases begin and can be diagnosed through dental exams. And gum disease is a major sign or predecessor of countless ailments. While most people incorrectly believe gum disease isn’t a big deal, the truth is that half of Americans over the age of 30 are affected by the condition. Gum disease is categorized into three stages: gingivitis, periodontal disease, and advanced periodontitis. While gingivitis is easiest to treat and reverse, even the advanced stages can respond well to gum disease treatment as long as it’s caught in time. Of course, there are some simple but effective tips for preventing gum disease altogether.

Eat a Healthier Diet

Healthy food not only improve and protect the body, they also do the same for your dental health. Raw fruits and vegetables help scrub away plaque and debris while promoting enzymes your mouth needs to combat bacteria. Cranberries help disrupt bacteria bonding. Foods with folic acid promote cell growth. And calcium-rich foods help promote strong teeth and bones. Acidic foods, such as sugar and processed foods, can wear down enamel and gum tissue.

Brush and Floss Correctly

Chances are, even if you brush daily, you’re not giving enough attention and effort to your home oral health habits. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, those habits must be maintained to avoid serious trouble down the road. Decay, cavities, and even gingivitis are completely preventable and even potentially reversible when your oral health habits are up to par.

Brushing with a soft brush, either manual or electric, should be done twice a day. Morning and evening are often the easiest times to fit that into a daily schedule. However, flossing also needs to be done at least once a day to remove extra food, plaque, and hidden bacteria.

Stop Smoking

Everyone’s aware of the health risks of smoking by now. While smoking has become less popular over the years, the habit is still the top cause of preventable diseases nationwide. Nearly 14% of Americans still smoke cigarettes or some type of vaping product and it’s especially hard on dental health. This is because tobacco and nicotine products weaken the immune system and the body has a harder time fighting off infection. Gingivitis and all forms of gum disease are rooted in tissue infection within the mouth. As that oral weakness occurs, saliva is minimized and bacteria formation increases. That often results in decay, gum inflammation and disease, tooth avulsion, and even oral cancer. Avoid the trouble by quitting the vice.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Dental checkups aren’t just preventative options, they can change and sometimes even save your life. Dental visits often include professional cleanings and they’re the only way to successfully remove years worth of tartar buildup and control excess bacteria and decay. Your dentist can also recognize signs of gum disease, oral cancer, and a variety of other oral and bodily diseases or conditions. Diagnoses and treatment are often simple once the signs and risks are discovered. Call Red Bank Dentistry to schedule a checkup and have at least one less thing to worry about.

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Chalfont, PA 18914