New Year, New Dental Habits

A famous national study confirmed that one-third of American adults are unhappy with their smile. But the truth is, the real current number is likely highly inflated, especially around the holidays. The holiday season is full of social and festive options but also wrought with photo opportunities that can cause even the youngest kids at … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

End of Year Dental Benefits: Use Them Before You Lose Them

According to the national industry-wide reports, over two-thirds of Americans have some form of private dental coverage. While the extent of those benefits is determined by the insurance program itself, most plans cover at least basic services such as necessary cleanings, checkups, sealants, and crown or bridgework. Of course, some plans cover quite a bit … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

Top 5 Reasons to Use Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

According to industry research, around two-thirds of Americans have some form of private dental coverage. Of course, the actual cover, if any at all beyond basic care, depends specifically on the plan. Almost all plans at least cover regular dental cleanings, maintenance, and basic repair such as crowns or necessary bridgework. But many plans offer … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

5 Tips for a Healthier Mouth in the New Year

As another holiday season approaches the end, more and more people look to the future. The new year provides a perfect opportunity to make new goals and improve your station along the way. But while a solid 40% of Americans make resolutions based on self-improvement goals, only 8% actually reach any of their goals. The … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

Best Options for a Chipped Tooth

Human teeth are strong enough to handle most daily life situations as long as they’re taken care of correctly. That includes proper daily home oral health care and regular dental checkups. But sometimes life throws a curve ball and the teeth suffer in the process. Contact sports activity, accidents or injuries, and even biting into … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914

Oral health Problems Caused by Crooked Teeth

Over one-third of Americans are unhappy with the quality or appearance of their teeth. And while that leads to personal confidence issues, it can cause so many other issues in life beginning with that first impression. According to a now-famous study, there is scientific proof that an initial impression can make or break the chances … Read more

Dr. Sindhu provides Gentle, Pain-Free Dental Treatment.

Call (215) 997-4434

Yes, New Patients are Welcome and We Appreciate Your Referrals.
Yes, Dental Insurance is Accepted. We Participate in Most PPO Insurance Plans.
No Insurance? No Worries. Affordable fees and easy financing options are available.

Call (215) 997-4434 to schedule your dental appointment or get your questions answered.
Contact Dr. Sindhu Today
Call (215) 997-4434

3425 Limekiln Pike, Suite 5
Chalfont, PA 18914